333 E. Washington Street, Stockton, CA 95202 (209) 468-1000
We cannot refer you to individual providers. In San Joaquin County you will be required to select a managed care provider such as Health Plan of San Joaquin or Health Net as your primary care provider. The Health Plan will provide a list of providers to choose from.
If you are entitled to or receiving Medicare, you may be eligible to payment of your Medicare Part A and/or Part B premiums, deductibles, and co-insurance fees by applying for the Medicare Savings Programs, even if you are not receiving Medi-Cal. The Medicare Savings Programs are:
Eligibility requirements include income limits which may change annually. You can apply for the Medicare Savings Programs online (www.C4Yourself.com) or by coming in to one of our local offices.
You may have a “Share of Cost” for medical/dental treatment based on your income and family size. When your provider uses your Benefits Identification Card (BIC) to verify your Medi-Cal eligibility, your provider will know if Medi-Cal will pay for a medical/dental treatment or if you need to make a payment to your “Share of Cost” for any treatment.
If you did not receive your card, lost your card, your card was stolen, or the card you received in the mail has the wrong information on it, you may call and ask for a Benefit Identification Card (BIC) by contacting the BIC Issuance Desk at 209-468-1328
More information about the Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program can be found at www.cdph.ca.gov/programs/wicworks/ or by calling one of the contact centers listed below.
Medical, Dental, and Vision services and some prescriptions.
To get Medi-Cal as a disabled person, you must have severe physical and/or mental problem(s) which will:
You must prove your disabling physical and/or mental problem(s) with medical records, tests, and other medical findings. Or, you must be receiving social security disability income.
If you are pregnant and cannot afford to pay for health care and some dental care, Medi-Cal can help pay for medical expenses for you and your unborn. Many times you can get Medi-Cal at no cost to you, even if you have income.
Medi-Cal is California’s version of the Federal Medicaid program, which is designed for low-income families, and individuals.
(209) 468-1333
(209) 468-3780 or (888) 800-4800
(209) 953-7733