Call 209-468-1104 to start your eligibility determination
The Home Delivered Meals program provides nutritious meals and in person contacts to homebound seniors in the San Joaquin County community.
In order to be eligible, a person must be 60 years of age or older, homebound, frail, and low-income. Those seniors who live alone are the highest priority for the home meal delivery service. Households of two homebound older adults are also eligible for services. Eligibility will be determined. There is a waitlist.
A 5-pack of frozen meals are delivered to your door weekly along with fresh milk and fruit. All menus are reviewed by 2 nutritionists to ensure compliance with Federal Guidelines. Meals are designed to be low fat, low salt, and low sugar. Deliveries are made once a week by 5pm, on a pre-arranged day of the week. There is no set delivery time of meals, so you must be home in order to receive your delivery.
Home Delivered Meals is offered at no cost. There is a $2.00 per meal suggested contribution. No one will be denied services for the inability to contribute. Please consider giving whatever you can afford. There is no obligation to contribute. Contributions are confidential and will be used to expand services. All contributions are greatly appreciated!
Submit an electronic referral online through SimpliGov, Click here You can also submit a referral online Service Referral and Follow-up Summary form (SJ30A), and either fax it to: 209-932-2663, email it to:, or mail to: San Joaquin County Human Services Agency, PO Box 201056, Stockton CA 95201. For more information or assistance completing the referral form by phone, call 209-468-1104.
Llame al 209-468-1104 para comenzar su determinación de elegibilidad
El programa de Meals on Wheels (Comida a domicilio) ofrece comidas nutritivas y contacto personal a personas de mayor edad confinadas en sus hogares, en la comunidad del condado de San Joaquín.
Para ser elegible, una persona debe tener 60 años o más, estar confinada en su hogar, ser frágil y tener bajos ingresos. Las personas mayores que viven solas tiene la prioridad en el servicio de entrega de comidas a domicilio. Los hogares de dos adultos mayores confinados en sus hogares también son elegibles para recibir servicios. Se determinará la elegibilidad. Hay una lista de espera.
Semanalmente se entrega a su hogar una caja con 5 comidas congeladas junto con leche fresca y fruta. Todos los menús son revisados por 2 nutricionistas para garantizar el cumplimiento de las pautas alimenticias federales. Las comidas están diseñadas para tener la mínima grasa, sal y azúcar. Las entregas se realizan una vez por semana antes de las 5 p. m., en un día de la semana previamente acordado. No hay un tiempo establecido para la entrega, por lo que debe estar en casa para recibir la comida.
Las comidas a domicilio se ofrecen sin costo alguno. Hay una contribución sugerida de $2.00 por comida. A nadie se le negará el servicio por no poder contribuir. Por favor considere dar lo que pueda. No hay obligación de contribuir. Las contribuciones son confidenciales y se utilizarán para expandir los servicios. ¡Todas las contribuciones son sumamente apreciadas!
Para obtener más información, llame al (209) 468-1104 o puede utilizar el formulario Resumen de seguimiento y referencia de servicio (SJ30A) para recomendarse a usted mismo o a otra persona. Una vez completado el formulario (Secciones 1 a 4), envíe un fax al 209-932-2663 o un correo electrónico a: .
Senior Lunch Program (Congregate Meals)
For new applicant, enroll at anytime; application is screened for eligibility.
For continuing participant, please wait until July 1st to re- enroll.
To enroll over the phone, please call 209-953-5500.
The Senior Lunch Program provides delicious meals that meet USDA dietary guidelines in a group setting, otherwise known as congregate meals.
In order to be eligible to receive a meal, a person must be 60+ years of age and enrolled in the program. Older adults are the program's priority. The spouse, regardless of age, and/or an individual living with a disability who resides at home and accompanies an older individual who participates in the program may receive an unconsumed meal.
There is a $3.00 per meal suggested contribution. No one will be denied services for the inability to contribute. Please consider giving whatever you can afford to contribute. Contributions are confidential and will be used to expand services. All contributions are greatly appreciated!
To receive information regarding the days and times as well as reservations, please call the center:
Arnold Rue Community Center
Arnold Rue website
5758 Lorraine Avenue
Stockton, CA 95210
(209) 937-7350
Bella Vista website
110 N. EI Dorado St
Stockton, CA 95202
(415) 713-9217
Boggs Tract Community Center
Boggs Tract Website
533 S. Los Angeles, Stockton 95203
(209) 468-3978
Escalon Community Center
Escalon Website
1055 Escalon Avenue
Escalon, CA 95350
(209) 838-7485
El Concilio Community Center
El Concilio Website
224 S. Sutter St.
Stockton, CA 95203
(209) 644-2600
Garden Acres Community Center
Garden Acres Website
607 Bird Avenue
Stockton, CA 95215
(209) 468-3984
Jene Wah, Inc
Jene Wah Website
238 E. Church Street
Stockton, CA 95203
(209) 463-7654
Kennedy Community Center
Kennedy Website
2800 S. D Street
Stockton, CA 95207
(209) 468-3986
Lathrop Senior Center
Lathrop Website
15707 5th Street
Lathrop, CA 95330
(209) 941-7380
Lockeford Community Center
Lockeford Website
19258 N. Jack Tone Rd
Lockeford, CA 95209
(209) 727-5035 8am to Noon
Loel Center and Gardens:
Loel Center Website
105 S. Washington Street
Lodi, CA 95240
(209) 369-1591
Lolly Hansen Community Center:
Tracy Website
375 E. 9th Street
Tracy, CA 95376
(209) 831-4230
Manteca Senior Center
Manteca Website
295 Cherry Lane
Manteca, CA 95336
(209) 825-2301
Northeast Community Center
Northeast Website
2885 E. Harding Way
Stockton, CA 95205
(209) 468-3918
Oak Park Senior Community Center
Oak Park Website
730 E. Fulton St.
Stockton, CA 95204
(209) 937-7777
Ripon Senior Center
Ripon Website
433 S. Wilma
Ripon, CA 95366
(209) 599-7441
Stockton Community Kitchen
Stockton Community Kitchen Website
110 N El Dorado St
Stockton, CA 95202
(209) 949-2104
Stribley Center
Stribley Website
1760 E. Sonora Street
Stockton, CA 95205
(209) 937-7351
Taft Community Center
Taft Website
389 W. Downing Avenue
Stockton, CA 95206
(209) 468-4168
Thornton Community Center
Thornton Website
26675 N. Sacramento Blvd
Thornton, CA 95686
(209) 468-1784
Van Buskirk Community Center
Van Buskirk Website
734 Houston Ave.
Stockton, CA 95206
(209) 937-7358
Host a Senior Lunch Program
Is your organization interested in hosting a Senior Lunch Program open to the public for adults 60 years and older?
San Joaquin County Will:
- Deliver the hot food and milk to your site
- Train your staff and volunteers
- Provide you with food warmers, serving utensils, plates, napkins, and eating utensils
Please submit a letter of interest with the following information:
- Organization’s name and address
- Contact person’s name, phone number, and email address
- Brief summary of the organization and current services provided to older adults
- Number of older adults to be served by day of the week (minimum of 10 people)
- Proposed meal time
- Number of available staff and volunteers for the Senior Lunch Program
- Confirmation the site has:
- tables and chairs with ease of access and which encourage socialization
- refrigerator and kitchen sink
- public restrooms
Food For You - Commodity Program
The San Joaquin County USDA Commodity Program, FOOD FOR YOU, provides free food to low-income households in San Joaquin County. Eligibility is based upon monthly income. Individuals must meet the residency requirements and appear at the distribution location in their zip code area, at the designated day and time. No application is necessary; However, individuals will be asked to provide proof of residency (e.g. utility bill, California ID etc.) or provide a signature to self-certify residency. To find the income guidelines and distribution locations, please visit, email or call (209) 953-FOOD (3663).